Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Community of Leaders or Not - Political Leadership in the African American Community

In keeping with the question of the day regarding the time being at hand (or has been at hand) to see a new generation of leaders take charge in the black community; what say you regarding Roland Burris - - the Senator from Chicago?

At best a quizzical figure whose self-aggrandizing only makes you laugh harder or at worst, a stain on the recent legacy the President tried to build coming out of the often repudiated Chicago political environment to rise to a level never before seen by the African American community?

Either way, these two figures - representing a generational divide - are an interesting juxtaposition to one another and a stark reality of where we find ourself as a community.

Here are two recent sources to check out more on Senator Burris:

Collection of the latest stories by the Chicago Tribune (3/17/09)

The Replacement
The rise of Roland Burris.
By Jeffrey Toobin of The New Yorker (3/23/09)

1 comment:

  1. The second read, the biographical piece from the New Yorker was very interesting. It does appear that a lot of the current "leadership" is way too ego driven. That seems to be one of the conclusions that the author of the New Yorker piece wanted readers to draw.

    An interesting read along these lines is "We Have No Leaders" by Robert C. Smith. It tries to help shed some light on the dearth of real leadership in the African American community.

    Thanks for the great post!
