Friday, May 22, 2009

Boys in Blue Gone Wild!

Public Safety by any means. That seems to be the overarching theme among some individuals in our society today when it comes to protecting the public from international, national and yes, local threats. During this week, we have heard that our values as Americans can be set aside when necessary to save ourselves from the enemy. And that that is ok-patriotic even!

Now I am definitely not equating national security with urban policing. However, based on two specific incidents recently - one in Toledo, OH and one in Birmingham, AL - we see that law breakers (foreign or domestic) will be dealt with severely in today's world to a degree that many have rightly noted "simply crosses the line". Moreover, we have also learned that although individuals want tough justice in today's world, the results make many people cut bait and run when it comes to taking responsibility for the outcomes - particularly elected officials.

I am a firm believer in punishment. But any such punishment must be lawful. If we are no better than those breaking the laws then what does that make us?

Toledo, OH Police Choke 14 Year Old Boy Unconscious
Posted on You Tube

Birmingham Mayor Blames Police Beating on "Previous Administration"
By Kyle Whitmire of the Birmingham Weekly (5/21/09)

On CNN Wednesday night, Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford tried to explain how the now-viral video of police brutality in Birmingham escaped the attention of the city’s top brass for more than a year.

At first Langford seemed to be trying to explain that he and Chief A.C. Roper had only recently taken office when the beating occurred. But half-way through his explanation, Langford gets tangled and says the event occurred under the previous administration.

“I was elected in November of last year. I took office in late November. I had been in office about a month. The new police chief we have now didn’t come on until a month after I took office. So neither one of us — It was under the previous administration.”

Langford was elected on Oct. 9, 2007, not in November 2008. He was sworn in as mayor on November 13, 2007. A week before Langford took office, he named A.C. Roper to replace then-Chief of Police Annetta Nunn. Roper was sworn in as chief of police two weeks after Langford took office, Nov. 30, 2007. The police beating occurred Jan. 23, 2008, more than two months after Langford took office.